Sunday, September 1, 2024

Good morning!
It's early, just before daylight breaks and wanted to share my furry "children" with you. They are a huge part of my life. You will be reading a lot of future posts about their antics and how they affect my daily life. A proper introduction is appropriate I thought.

My husband and I have five amazing felines who are the priorities in our lives.

There is PORKCHOP "Porky" or as I call him "Lover-Lover"
He is 3 years old, and a lap cat. Demanding of attention and a snack fiend. He also alerts me of high sugar levels or low sugar levels before the symptoms show. He's also attuned to my emotions. Porkchop is a miracle. We didn't expect him to live when we first brought him home. He was very disproportioned. I adopted him at 3 months.

Then there is Spirit who I've nick-named "Stud" because he thinks he's a God to the females in the house.
He's also 3 years old. He lives for sleeping and weighs 18 lbs. He is a snoozer and once in a while gets the zoomies where you have to hide curled up in a corner and pray he doesn't come your way, once he starts his weight prevents you from stopping him from running you over. He loves to cuddle on the chest, he sleeps on the back of the toilet a lot and can be found in the bathroom window from 4am until 5:30 am watching squirrels on the back porch. He loves "Lickables" and chicken.

Next we have August "Augie-Dawg" who is now 2 years old this past August 1st.
He is Spirit's son. Total Opposites. August has a "slow mentality" with learning issues, but he's got a huge heart and demands to be all up in my face and to be held. He's almost 12 lbs of soft silky love. He's the clown of the family. His favorite toy are his springs and he's possessive of them. He's my "turd" and I wouldn't have it any other way. He gets the zoomies all of the time and I can't help but laugh at his antics. You'll hear a lot about him and his clowning around.

Third we have Broken. She is 2 years old. Porkchops Daughter from his first litter and Augies sister. She came from a split litter with Spirit fathering Augie). Confusion I know.
Broken is Deaf and is blind in one eye. She was born this way. The cord was wrapped around her neck through most of her mother's pregnancy and we didn't know, and when she was born she was stuck in the birth canal, I had to help. But she is a spitfire who loves attention, is a glutton for chicken and loves her ball-tower when it is play time. She is very vocal.

And last but not least my little angel and mother hen "Blossom" who is only 1 year old this past April and is the biggest little boss in the house. She's actually the dominant feline. Her house, her rules and even the older males follow them. She is Porkchop's daughter from his second litter. 
She gives me kisses and sleeps in the crook of my neck at night. Tucking me in to bed before I fall asleep. She helps me in the kitchen when I cook, sitting on the chair watching to make sure I'm doing everything properly and if I don't she'll let me know! Demanding, talkative and up until the past month didn't much care for human contact, but now she can't get enough of my attention and being held.

The picture is of her last year with her Uncle Loki who passed from a seizure (she's the little one on her back)
They were inseparable. She took it hard when he passed and has just come out of being withdrawn.

Well, that is the purring part of my family!

I have a pic of Spirit being a butt.. He wanted a piece of cheese and I said no and he did this:

Talk about attitude!

Okay this is where I end today's post.
I hope you enjoyed meeting the babies and I look forward to posting about them more in the future!



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The Blogger


A coffee and sour gummy worm addict who enjoys creating AI generated art and sharing them as tubes with you! I also love knitting, diamond painting, journaling, writing tag tutorials and tagging. I am a momma to five purring babies and wife. I'm a born Vermonter. Music is my sanity and you will always find me in PSP with coffee! Welcome and enjoy your visit!

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