Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I have been sitting here a while. There was no real purpose for this blog. I was going to do book reviews but the hits weren't here for that so put all of those to a different host. But I've invested too much love into this blog and of course, had a wonderful and amazing blog designer help me with making the background and installing the layout, there was no way I was giving up.
A purpose has been amazingly realized!
There is a purpose!
Read more to find out just what I have come up with!

I have a love and passion for crafting. To be more exact, knitting, crocheting, and diamond painting.
I'd love to share my creations with others.
I'd even be willing to share stitches, patterns, and links I've used in learning new stitches I didn't know and learned over the years!

You'll also hear about my purring babies once in a while too!

So, there we have it!

A hand-crafted item blog!

What do you think?



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The Blogger

The Blogger


A coffee and sour gummy worm addict who enjoys creating AI generated art and sharing them as tubes with you! I also love knitting, diamond painting, journaling, writing tag tutorials and tagging. I am a momma to five purring babies and wife. I'm a born Vermonter. Music is my sanity and you will always find me in PSP with coffee! Welcome and enjoy your visit!

My AI Blog

Creative Momma



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