Thursday, September 19, 2024

I am thoroughly enjoying my vacation time!
However, I do miss my little bit of time in the PSP forums! I caught myself peeking in for messages and notifications at 2am this morning. Otherwise, I've been journaling, diamond painting, and spending time on my spiritual journey. Grounding and meditating every day and taking a Wicca 101 course to refresh myself. My Tarot and divining are a staple of course!
I received my first VIP Crystal from Lumoona and am so connected and thrilled with it. It's a Howlite bracelet that only comes off when I shower, do dishes, or wash my hands. Otherwise, it stays on. I don't let anyone touch it! It's for Attunement, Awareness, Completion, Calming.
It strengthens and stimulates the desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain, and stress. it also has healing benefits that soothe the body, mind, and spirit. It is an amazing calming stone, that slows down the heartbeat, cools calamitous tempers, and shows the way of wisdom.
(Yes it works!)
Its gentle vibrations connect and flow raising my awareness and granting clear visions. It's known to promote restful sleep (it does). Howlite is recommended for coping with grief and can also be used as a pain reliever in other instances of discomfort.

I don't know what I did before I got this Howlite bracelet, to be honest.
Less than a week and I feel a difference already!

Short from that, life is slow, but days are going by a bit too fast for my liking. Things are calm, and relaxing and I am not worried or stressed out. I return to work on the 25th of this month. I don't know if I want to. I love being home and having the freedom to do what I want. Unfortunately, we need the little bit of money I make at the church. Otherwise, we aren't going to scrape by.

The purring babies are doing great. Blossom has become a Mommy's mama. She mother's me something fierce. I'm not complaining. I love it. Porkchop wont leave me alone either. I think they are enjoying having me home! What are they going to do when I start going back to work?

I'm thinking on going back to the PSP forums tomorrow. I'm a little lost without them, but we'll see between now and then. I'm only two exams out of six with the Wicca 101 course completed and I am working on my Grimoire. A lot to do still. Feels like I'm always working on something regardless of what is going on or what kind of situation is going on. Busy bee even on vacation!
But I don't see my spiritual journey/path as work, it's an enjoyment of sorts. Spirituality is not work, but it takes time every day. One I'm proud and glad to have.


I have been sitting here a while. There was no real purpose for this blog. I was going to do book reviews but the hits weren't here for that so put all of those to a different host. But I've invested too much love into this blog and of course, had a wonderful and amazing blog designer help me with making the background and installing the layout, there was no way I was giving up.
A purpose has been amazingly realized!
There is a purpose!
Read more to find out just what I have come up with!

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The Blogger

The Blogger


A coffee and sour gummy worm addict who enjoys creating AI generated art and sharing them as tubes with you! I also love knitting, diamond painting, journaling, writing tag tutorials and tagging. I am a momma to five purring babies and wife. I'm a born Vermonter. Music is my sanity and you will always find me in PSP with coffee! Welcome and enjoy your visit!

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