Thursday, August 29, 2024


(AI image by Creative Momma - ENHANCED in PSPx9)

20 Things about me that you might or might not know about me. Just random things. Feel free to drop me an email and ask any questions you'd like to see in 20 Things 2.0 for a future post. you can email me at (that's my blogging email addy) just be patient with me and i'll reply as soon as I can!.

1. Favorite Color: Purple

2. Preferred Season: Autumn

3. Comfort Food: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

4. Best Childhood Memory: My dad taking me fishing

5. Tattos: 2 (Purple Rose and a heart memorial for my dad)

6. Piercings: just my ears (Did have my tongue and nose pierced at one time)

7. Favorite Outfit: Hocus Pocus Sweatpants and my Oak Grove Hoodie with flip flops

8. Comfort Spot in house: My Daybed w/ purring children cuddling me.

9. Pets: 5 cats (3 boys & 2 girls)

10. Favorite Author: Linda Griffin (at this point in time)

11. Biggest Pet Peeve: People not putting the cover down on the toilet

12. Biggest accomplishment: Getting my certification as a Lay Servant

13. Happiest Moment so far: Saying "I do to my husband"

14. Biggest lesson learned: I can do anything if I have faith, but will fail if I doubt myself.

15. Best Job: Working for my dad as a gas station attendant and doing car inspections

16. Worst Fear: Spiders & Heights are about equal

17. Favorite song: "Wake Me Up When September Ends" - Green Day

18. Binge Show to watch: The Walking Dead

19. Favorite Movie: House of 1000 Corpses

20. Dream Vacation: Road trip to travel around the country to every state

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

C.S. Lewis


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The Blogger

The Blogger


A coffee and sour gummy worm addict who enjoys creating AI generated art and sharing them as tubes with you! I also love knitting, diamond painting, journaling, writing tag tutorials and tagging. I am a momma to five purring babies and wife. I'm a born Vermonter. Music is my sanity and you will always find me in PSP with coffee! Welcome and enjoy your visit!

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Creative Momma



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